O365 now will start a basic knowledge of IT.
One of my clients asked me to check the cooperation capabilities of not a Microsoft hybrid exchange environment but the cooperation of O365 cloud and Zentyal small business server.
I also added some complication, based on emails are not arrived at the enviroment from the cloud side but the on-premise site. ( I did the forwarding emails to the right places with an email security gateway, this time, with fortimail).
From a beginner it is hard to understand a lot of o365 knowledge, to define the type of domain, and a lot of things.
- You have to change a lot of DNS entries to manage your domain with O365. A record to discover entry MX record to mail and of course spf record to authorise emails from cloud.
- Do not forget to restore MX records after the domain authorization process if you would like to use your on-premise enviroment in the future.
- You have to change your domain to internal relay. This setting will allow o365 to search missed mailboxes on the on premise email server (this way was easier)
- You have to create the connectors on o365 to onpremise and the opposite direction also
- On fortimail, we have to trust the O365 site, because emails come form a protected domaina to a protected domain.
- On fortimail we also have to set up and allow email routing feature
- We have to find a way to tell zentyal (postfix based email server) to search mailboxes in the cloud enviroment. In this time I use the external mail account aliases feature. (on o365 site i made and an entry to user email address with his *company*.onmicrosoft.com domain. And use this on on premise email sever as external mail alias.